Monday, September 26, 2011

Bean Burgers (NOT Vegetarian)

I am not sure if these are only a Texas thing, but Bean Burgers are one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Not a lot of places have them on their menus, but Bean Burgers have some very rabid followers who swear that their version is the best. Two things are without question: You must start with a high quality patty and you must put beans on it, usually refried. My preference is 80/20 chuck when it comes to the patty. "Chuck" refers to the chuck steak portion of the cow, and 80/20 is 80% lean, 20% fat. If your burgers is too lean, then you lose a lot of flavor. The rest of the ingredients can include the following: corn chips, onions (raw, grilled, or fried), mayonnaise, mustard, cheese (more on this shortly), and jalapenos. I usually try to stay away from lettuce, pickles and tomatoes because I am a believer in the "less is more" philosophy when it comes to food. When there are too many ingredients, flavors can be lost. Now for the cheese. You can use any cheese you would like on this burger; cheddar is a very popular choice. For me, the choice is easy: Cheese Whiz. Yes, like cheese from a jar. Usually this isn't my style. I like fresh ingredients, not something filled with a bunch of preservatives, but this isn't negotiable. It has to be Cheese Whiz if it's a true Bean Burger for me. The only explanation I have for this is that this is the way I grew up eating them. I have tried the others, but they just aren't the same for me.

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